Reporting function in ClimateOS

This article gives a deep-dive into the reporting feature in ClimateOS

With ClimateOS you can export your City Inventory into a spreadsheet format that is compatible with the disclosure requirements of CDP, and can be directly uploaded to the CDP platform to accompany your disclosure questionnaire. More information on CDP can be found here.

As of currently, ClimateOS supports inventory export in conformance with the following protocols:

  • GPC (Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Inventory)*

*Currently under accreditation process with the World Resource Institute (WRI).

Once you’ve set up your City inventory you can click on the Reporting tab under Inventory (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1

Click on “Download” to export a xlsx-file (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2

After building your inventory in ClimateOS, the work to assign the right Carbon Causal Chains and their resulting emissions to the correct scopes according to the GPC as well as your reporting depth is done automatically (currently only “Basic”. “Basic+” and “Basic+S3” will follow in the future).

The first sheet of the Excel-file (“Results_Overview”) contains an overview of the total emissions from your City inventory per GPC sector. The upper table is the most aggregated form of your emissions per sector. (Fig. 3). The colour codes you see throughout the downloaded Excel-file correspond to the colour codes of the GPC (see here).

Fig. 3

This table also contains emissions breakdowns according to the scopes of emissions (Fig. 4). For more information, please refer to the GPC Accounting and Reporting Standard for Cities.

Fig. 4

It also contains the total emissions based on the reporting framework and the level chosen for your inventory submission (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5

The lower table gives you a more detailed view of your emissions. You can see the emissions per sub-sector as well as by scope (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6

On the left hand side we’re also providing the GPC Reference Number per category to make it easier for you to find your way around (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7

As you can see, the sectors and sub-sector correspond to the ones you find in your City inventory in ClimateOS / the GPC.

Fig. 8

The sheet “Full Emission Hierarchy” provides you with an overview of which CCCs from your City Inventory are used for reporting (Fig. 8). This is not necessary for your reporting needs with the GPC. It is a direct export of all the reported CCCs in your City inventory. It allows you to see where all of the emissions have come from in each sector and compare on a more granular level.

The last sheet “Board information” provides you with your Board ID and title as well as a timestamp to tell you when you’ve exported the emissions report. This will allow you to track any changes you make.