Transition element release 2021-06-28

We released a couple of new Transition element which you now have access to in your ClimateBoard. Click on any of them in the list below to find out more:


Shift to gas vehicles

Description: Vehicles powered by natural gas are a good alternative to vehicles powered by gasoline or diesel. Burning natural gas emits hardly any nitrogen oxides and particulate matter, which improves air quality in cities. They also have a better CO2 balance than diesel or gasoline vehicles.

Target type: Shifting the mechanism of operation

Sector: Transport


Gas light trucks

Description: Vehicles powered by natural gas are a good alternative to vehicles powered by gasoline or diesel. Burning natural gas emits hardly any nitrogen oxides and particulate matter, which improves air quality in cities. They also have a better CO2 balance than diesel or gasoline vehicles.

Target type: Shifting the mechanism of operation

Sector: Transport


Gas heavy trucks

Description: Vehicles powered by natural gas are a good alternative to vehicles powered by gasoline or diesel. Burning natural gas emits hardly any nitrogen oxides and particulate matter, which improves air quality in cities. They also have a better CO2 balance than diesel or gasoline vehicles.

Target type: Shifting the mechanism of operation

Sector: Transport


Shift from passenger air transport to railway

Description: -

Target type: Shifting the mechanism of operation

Sector: Transport


Biofuel for light trucks

Description: -

Target type: Shifting the resource needed

Sector: Transport


Electric passenger airplanes

Description: -

Target type: Shifting the mechanism of operation

Sector: Transport


Shift to LNG fuel for sea passenger transportation

Description: -

Target type: Shifting the mechanism of operation

Sector: Transport


More efficient sea passenger transportation

Description: -

Target type: Increasing efficiency

Sector: Transport


Electrification of domestic sea passenger transport

Description: -

Target type: Shifting the mechanism of operation

Sector: Transport


Biofuels for sea passenger transport

Description: -

Target type: Shifting the resource needed

Sector: Transport